by Guest Contributor Guest | Aug 20, 2021 | General
Singles Travel for Australians is booming and according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) there are around 5.8 million singles in Australia which represents 35% of the adult population. These stats are set to rise. In 2006, there were 1.74 million single...
by Guest Contributor Guest | Jul 30, 2021 | General
Whether you’re single or you just prefer to travelling solo, then check out these top tips to help you get the best out of your travels. When you travel with friends or family, it’s all about careful planning, coordinating schedules and compromise. It can be a lot of...
by Guest Contributor Guest | Jul 23, 2021 | Pure Travel Blog
If you love to learn new things, solo holidays are the perfect opportunity to do just that! With the right trip and an open mind, you can gain all sorts of fun new skills – and meet like-minded singles in the process! At Pure Travel, we offer myriad singles packages,...
by Guest Contributor Guest | Jun 4, 2021 | Pure Travel Blog
If you’ve ever taken a trip to visit relatives, or somewhere exotic, or just a quick jaunt to the beach, there is one thing that is for sure; food can get pricey; fast. Whether it’s just you, or you and a friend, or a family of 5, the costs add up fast and...
by Guest Contributor Guest | May 4, 2021 | Pure Travel Blog
Closễ your ễyễs and imaginễ waking up with thễ birds singing from thễ top of a trễễ. Your comfortablễ bễd is surroundễd by calmnễss found in a cosy trễễtop cabin pễrchễd high in a trễễ undễr thễ Norwễigan sky. Trễễtop cabins arễ all thễ ragễ in Norway and you can...