Singles Cruises for the over 40’s

Why are Singles Cruises for the over 40’s so Popular?

Australians can now travel alone or bring their other single traveller friends, and cruise from Australian ports with other like-minded singles all over 40. Meet other singles, make lots of new friends or even meet a special person.

Several cruises ex Sydney and Brisbane have been organised for this growing clientele. Pure Travel 4 Singles have regular cruises aboard P&O Cruises and Princess Cruises, all 3 or 4 nighters. No need to take any time off work, just finish work on Friday and join in the fun and cruise in early on Monday morning and go straight to work, although you may need some time to recover, if you didn’t rest up the night before.

Pure Travel 4 Singles have a number of cruises organised throughout the year. Each of them capitalise on some fun activities such as comedy cruises, food and wine cruises and the annual Melbourne Cup cruise. They make sure there’s roughly the same number of men to women and although you’re free to roam about the ship, there’s lots of private events organised for the single traveller so that you can meet others and get to know them.

Trips For Singles – Easy And Affordable Singles Cruises for the Over 40’s

Don’t you just hate those words ‘single supplement’?

Travelling alone can be more expensive, especially if you’re stuck having to pay this additional amount. Don’t get me wrong some cashed up people prefer to have their own room and will pay extra, but there are other alternatives.

To meet the growing demand for affordable holiday packages for the single traveller, several event planners, hoteliers, resort owners, and other providers from across the world are doing all that it takes to make trips for singles all the more easy and affordable. Some very clever travel wholesalers and travel agents, having an on-line presence, have come up with some clever and attractive options for this growing demographic.

The travel packages for the single traveller are getting better and better, and so diverse catering to every type of traveller. You can choose from cruises, weekend getaways, safaris, adventure holidays or beach getaways. Accommodation is either discounted or share accommodation is arranged with a similarly matched room-mate. Several websites cater specifically for the single traveller, check out Pure Travel 4 Singles as they are the Australian leaders in this market.

According to a rough estimate, approximately 10% of all travellers are travelling alone and they get to benefit from wonderful holiday options and get to meet like-minded interesting people and it doesn’t cost them any more.

Every day we are constrained by what society deems acceptable.  Others have expectations of us as mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, employees, employers and friends.  And then we have our own expectations of ourselves and of other people.  Whilst this is important for us to live in harmony and meet and have expectations and for us to understand our boundaries and those of others – it is really nice to break from this norm once in a while especially when we are on holidays.

I cannot stress just how liberating it is to travel on your own – you are completely free to be who you really are and who you really want to be.  Yep, it’s scary the first time and then it can be addictive to go away from the life and society that we are accustomed to

We can leave aside all our family, friends, and acquaintances and start a journey that, in theory at least, has the power to change our lives for the better. And in practice, and going by the experience of several travelers, the holidays for single travellers definitely have that power.

The holidays for single travelers have come up to cater to an ever increasing demand for the same from different sections of society. The need to break free has become the norm rather than an anomaly in a fast paced world where there are a lot of things that need to be done within a given time frame. Generally, the singleton holidays are structured in a manner so as to maximise the comfort of the people signing up for these packages.

The people going on a singles activity holidays are generally young adults having a penchant for thrill and adventure. They like to take up challenges and meet them head on; and they also do not want to be restricted from pitting their strength and acumen while attempting all the different adventure activities, which could sometimes prove to be a tad bit dangerous. In many such single activity holidays, a certain degree of fitness is often desirable.

The holidays in this category could also be in the form of singles tours, wherein the travelers go in a group and discover the different aspects of a particular place. In most likelihood, the place that they would be visiting as part of such tours would have certain historical value.

So, all you people out there who want to break free from the monotony of your daily routines can make the most of the singles tours and singles activity holidays. By taking up any of these holidays for single travelers, you could be taking one of the most important decisions of your life. The chances are quite high that your view point in life would change – definitely for the better – after you come back from one such vacation.

Nothing wrong with traveling with a partner or a friend, in some cases it can be lots of fun. But that’s not the only way to do it and in fact, my experience has been that you have lots more fun when you start off  traveling on your own.  Notice that the emphasis is in the starting off on your own bit, because when you do this you are much more likely to meet people and to make friends.  Travelling heightens your senses, you smell, feel, taste and see things very differently and this makes for wonderful experiences.  As soon as you accept someone else into your space for any length of time then it becomes about experiencing things through them and less about you.

Again, nothing wrong with that at all because we all want that companionship and that other opinion or view that we hadn’t thought of but it isn’t the end all and be all.

Here’s a concept people! You can do both.  Travel with a group of like-minded people, all single travellers and hang out with all or some as you discover the group you will discover parts of yourself in others that you like, and parts of yourself in others that you don’t like.

The first time I did it I found it very scary at first, even the planning, the anticipation and the constant ‘am I doing the right thing’ questioning.  But all that dissipated and I felt liberated and a real sense of freedom overtook me by Day 1.

Pure Travel puts together packages for single travellers so that you can avoid to pay the single supplement and travel with people who also chose to do that package because they wanted to and not because someone else wanted to.  Although we are not a singles dating travel site, you will meet other single people of the opposite sex as we try to keep the numbers even.