Singles Travel is Booming

Singles Travel is booming indeed!  If you’re single and planning a holiday, you’re definitely not alone!

The number of solo travellers is growing every year, for a lot of really compelling reasons. In fact, in the United States alone, 9 million women travel alone each year! At Pure Travel, we know that solo travellers can enjoy the advantages of singles travel and have a truly amazing experience without bringing along a party of your own.

The first benefit that solo travellers enjoy? Freedom in planning their holiday! Travelling with your own party can be great fun – and requires quite a bit of coordination. Everyone’s preferences, budget and schedules must be taken into consideration, which can limit what the holidays you can or cannot take.

This is especially true with travel for over 40’s, when friends’ schedules may be complicated by home or work life. When you travel solo, the only person you need worry about is you. You customize the experience that fits within your budget, around your personal and work schedules!

Once you’re on holiday, the other advantages solo travellers enjoy quickly become clear! If you’ve travelled with a party of your own, you know that much time is spent debating what you should do and who should go where. When you travel solo, you’re in the proverbial driver’s seat. Tired after a long day of sightseeing? Take a quick nap before hitting a local lounge! Want to take a quick side trip to enjoy something that’s caught your interest? Feel free – with single travel, there’s nothing stopping you!

And, while single travel is great for any age, it’s especially popular travel for over 40’s! Single travel for over 40’s offers solo travellers a great chance to go on holiday when they want to, to have new experiences and meet like-minded new people while taking the trips that best meet their individual interests.

At Pure Travel, all of our fun-filled holiday packages are designed around having fun and making new friends, without the pressure to meet someone new. But if you’re looking to connect with someone special – well, who knows? The possibilities are endless.

Solo travellers have the opportunity to meet fun-loving, like-minded individuals who enjoy the same things in life that they do. And, at Pure Travel, our customized packages mean that your trip mates are often interested in many of the same things you are! Whether you’re looking to make new friends or a romantic connection, our single travel packages give you the freedom to do either!

And that, of course, is the greatest advantage single travel has to offer – freedom. The freedom to travel whenever you’d like, wherever you’d like, and enjoy the sights and experiences best suited to you. The freedom to meet like-minded new people, make friends and meet someone new – or not. This freedom is what draws so many solo travellers every year, and it’s what singles travel is all about.