Most Popular Attractions in Africa

Attractions of Africa

Amboseli National Park


On the border of Tanzania and southeast Kenya lies the breathtaking Amboseli National Park – one of the most famous game reserves on the African continent. Beautifully positioned under the majesty of Mt. Kilimanjaro, a visit to Amboseli National Park is viewed by many to be one of the premiere wildlife viewing experiences in the world. Myriad animal species call the Amboseli home, providing ample opportunities for visitors to watch lions, impalas, buffalo, black rhinos, cheetahs, elands, zebras and more, all in their natural habitat. The park is also considered an excellent place to view some of the continent’s largest elephant herds, which can be one of the most memorable experiences of a lifetime!

But the exciting adventure tours at Amboseli National Park don’t stop there. Bird watchers will appreciate the more than four hundred twenty five exotic bird species, including ostriches, eagles, hornbills and larks. Many different culture experiences are also available at Amboseli, as the local Maasai give curious visitors a better understanding of their unique lifestyles and time-honoured traditions.

Set in the southwestern part of Uganda is the lush Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. The forest is named for its thick, nearly ‘impenetrable’ ground cover of vines, shrubs and other plant life. Ranging over parts of the Kabale, Kisoro and Rukungiri Districts, this rich and breathtaking Ugandan forest has the highest density of flora and fauna species in the country. This makes it a perfect destination for African safari holidays and other exciting adventure tours.

Both lowland and mountainous regions can be found within the park, allowing for an exciting variety of scenery and wildlife. The Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is most famous for its unparalleled population of gorillas. In fact, approximately half of the endangered Mountain Gorillas left in the world call the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest home, as well as several species of endangered birds.

It is always a good idea when travelling in Africa to carry a first aid kit.

Cango Caves

South Africa

If you’re looking for the ultimate in African adventure tours, look no further than South Africa’s majestic Cango Caves. Located approximately 30 km from the tiny town of Outshoorn, the beautiful and mysterious Cango Cave system stretches nearly 4 km into the depths of the Swartberg Mountains. About 1 km of this breathtaking underground ecosystem is available for travellers to enjoy.

The Cango Caves are an incredible system of enormous caverns and tiny crawlspaces, making a visit there a truly unique adventure. The stalactites and stalagmites that have naturally formed over millions of years create some of the world’s most beautiful naturally-created sculpture. Guided tours allow you to experience the beauty of the caves without getting dirty – but those who crave excitement and don’t mind tight spaces, the adventure tours show you a different side of the caves altogether, as you creep along cave shelves and through crawlspaces.


The beautiful Cessna 208B Grand Caravan is the ultimate in luxury air travel, with all of the latest technologies and most modern equipment. The Cessna 208B features a digital weather radar system, air conditioning and high-tech Garmin 3D navigation. Travellers aboard the Cessna 208B enjoy incredibly comfortable in-flight accommodations. Soft, leather reclining seat allow you to face any direction and offer plenty of room to stretch your legs. Each seat has its own large window for a truly remarkable view.

As the flight is in progress, your pilot will also act as your guide, providing you with information on all the wildlife, breathtaking scenery and landmarks on the ground. Enjoy the beauty of the expansive Kenyan savannah, with its indigenous elephant herds, hippos, wildebeest and other animals.


There is no better place for observing elephants in their natural habitat than Chobe National Park. Located in exotic Botswana, this game reserve is home to as many as 60,000 elephants. Unlike some of its larger game reserve counterparts such as the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park and the Central Kalahari, the Chobe National Park is easily accessible to two wheel vehicles, which makes it a popular destination for African safari drives.

Visitors are almost always assured an up-close, unparalleled view of these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.Divided into a northern section bordering on the Chobe River and a southern central section including the Savuti Channel and Marsh, the Chobe National Park is famous worldwide for its high concentrations of game.

Etosha National Park


When Etosha National Park was first established in 1907, it was the biggest game preserve on the planet at more than 100,000 square kilometres. Today, the park’s holdings are smaller than its original size, but Etosha National Park remains larger than even Kruger National Park in South Africa. It is one of Namibia’s true jewels.

The most prominent landmark at Etosha National Park is the expansive Etosha pan, which is a dusty, barren expanse of land. In the summer, however, it springs to life as the summer rains create a shallow lake that attracts pelicans, flamingoes and other birds in droves.

Most of the wildlife in Namibia call Etosha National Park home. African safari travellers will enjoy the flourishing populations of lion, zebra, antelope, wildebeest, elephant and numerous bird species. Lucky guests on Etosha’s adventure tours might glimpse the rarer black rhino, cheetah or leopard.

Etosha National Park offers three accommodation establishments within its border, giving guests a wide range of options as to where and how they want to experience the park. Options range from “roughing it” with traditional camping to decadent luxury bungalows. Guests can also stay with confidence, as all of these accommodations are managed and overseen by the Namibian government.

Hluhluwe-Umfolozi National Park

South Africa

As the oldest established national park in South Africa, the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi National Park was founded in 1895. Situated in the KwaZulu Natal province, roughly 280 kilometres to the north of Durban, this beautiful park is nearly one thousand square kilometres in size. As the only ‘Big 5’ park run by KwaZulu Natal, it has become a haven for local animals.

The Hluhluwe-Omfolozi area has always been a sanctuary for animals, as the area used to be home to many Tsetse flies, which carry nagana, or the sleeping sickness. This kept many human predators – such as hunters and cattle farmers – well away from the area, but didn’t bother the local wildlife at all. As the area has become safer for humans, the flourishing wildlife species have remained. In fact, due to the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi National Park’s concentrated conservation effort, the park is now home to the single greatest population of white rhinos in the world!

Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park South Africa

In northeastern South African, running along the border between Mozambique and Zimbabwe, is Kruger National Park South Africa – one of the world’s most famous wildlife parks. Although the park was first established by South African president Paul Kruger in 1898, it was not open for the public’s enjoyment for almost thirty more years. As a must-see destination for African Safari holidays from visitors worldwide, the park now welcomes about one million visitors each year!

The park is magnificently large, at nearly 360 km in length and approximately 65 km in width, making Kruger National Park roughly 20,000 square kilometres in all. The park is ideal for bird watching or game drives, with one hundred forty seven species of animals and more than five hundred species of birds! If you’re looking to view Africa’s ‘Big 5’ animals, the Kruger National Park South Africa has all of them and much more!

Lake Nakuru National Park


As part of the region known as the “cradle of mankind”, the Lake Nakuru National Park is one of the earth’s most incredible geological landmarks. Deep in the Great Rift Valley, the area is encircled by majestic, dormant volcanoes and one of the world’s largest known craters. Steeped in history, full of exotic wildlife and beautiful birds, the Lake Nakuru National Park is a must-see destination for your African safari holiday.

Although many documentaries have focused on the park’s history and natural beauty, nothing can substitute for seeing the majesty of the flora, fauna and geological aspects of the park in person. As a popular Kenyan destination, thousands of travellers flock to the Lake Nakuru National Park each year. Safari drives can offer unique insight into the private lives of the elusive leopard, black and white rhinos and even lions.

Lake Victoria


The size of the world-famous Lake Victoria is mind boggling. As the second largest fresh water lake in the world, and largest tropical lake, it is approximately sixty-nine thousand square kilometres in size. It is bordered by an impressive three African countries – Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Discovered by European explorer John Hanning Speke, the lake was promptly named after the famed Queen Victoria, and has remained so ever since.

The Kagera River is the largest river to empty into Lake Victoria, with the White Nile flowing out in Uganda. Naturally, due to its incredible size and importance to the area’s ecology and tourism, Lake Victoria is the primary source of both employment and food in the surrounding regions of Africa.

There are many adventure tours and African safari opportunities in the Lake Victoria area, as well as more relaxing activities. Visitors can go rafting on the White Nile, visit local tribes that make their homes in the Lake Victoria region, enjoy a sailing trip on Lake Victoria itself, watch the local wildlife and much, much more.

Linyanti Delta


The beautiful Linyanti Delta is replenished by the Cuando River, which winds through scenic African plains before becoming part of the Namibia-Botswana border. It is a scenic and awe-inspiring place to visit during your African safari holiday, and is ideal for birdwatching and photography.

The Linyanti Delta is divided into several privately-owned areas for use as ecotourism destinations due to its impressive wildlife diversity. It is by far one of Africa’s most pristine and untouched locations for enjoying the landscapes and indigenous wildlife that the African continent has to offer.

Masai Mara National Reserve


The Masai Mara National Reserve, known as ‘the Mara’ by locals, is to the north of the famous Serengeti Plains. Accessible by plain or ground travel, ‘the Mara’ is Kenya’s number one location for the viewing of wildlife. The large Talek and Mara rivers rivers wind languidly through the scenic Masai Mara National Reserve, surrounded on all sides by majestic plains, marshlands and forests.

When it’s time for your African safari experience, ‘the Mara’ offers a true treat! Safari goers can enjoy viewing myriad resident animals in the Reserve. Some of the animal viewing opportunities include hippos, topis, buffalos, giraffes, impalas, black rhinos, elephants, hartebeests and Thomson’s and Grant’s gazelles. Visitors can also spot the adorable and diminutive Kirk’s dik-dik’s, as well as several groups of the continent’s most famous predators.

Moremi Game Reserve


Founded in the 1960s, the Moremi Game Reserve is an impressive 5000 square kilometres and is composed partially by a large part of the Okavango Delta itself. When it comes to ideal African safari destinations, it doesn’t get much better than the Moremi Game Reserve. The park is home to a surprisingly diverse range of habitats, from dry, arid landscapes to lush lagoons. Due to its ecologically diverse nature, the area is home to an equally diverse variety of birds and animals, making it a highly popular destination for African adventure tours.

The Moremi Game Reserve offers both luxury lodges and camping sites to accommodate the preferences of every tourist. There is one thing that is important to keep in mind regardless of your specific plans – no access is permitted to the Moremi Game Reserve without prior booking. This ensures the privacy and exclusive feel that the reserve is known for.

Namib Desert


Possibly the oldest desert on the planet, the famous Namib Desert in Namibia has been estimated by scientists to be between 55 and 80 million years old. Comprised primarily of parched gravel flats, the Namib also has a large swath of desert sand, with majestic dunes and beautiful skylines.

The sand portion of the Namib Desert stretches approximately 400 kilometres from Swakopmund to Luderitz, and is roughly 100 kilometres in width. The Sossusvlei Dunes are located within the Namib Desert, and are the highest in the world, reaching astonishing heights of more than 300 metres.

Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary


Located on Ngamba Island is the Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Wildlife Conseration Trust, an incredible place to view chimpanzees up close on your African safari holiday. Founded in 1997 by a joint effort of several wildlife conservation foundations – including the Jane Goodall Institute – the Ngamba Island sanctuary covers roughly one hundred acres, and ninety eight of those acres are untouched, forested and separated from the visitor’s area to allow the chimpanzees to live freely. In fact, the sanctuary has only been open to visitors since 1999.

The goal of the Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary is to offer a safe haven for orphaned chimpanzees from around the world, a place where they can live their lives in peace and safety. It is a must-see destination for anyone interested in learning more about these fascinating creatures in their natural habitat.

Olduvai Gorge


The northern Tanzanian site at Olduvai Gorge is one of the most important archaeological sites in the world. Originally studied by Dr. Louis and Mary Leakey early in the 20th century, the Olduvai Gorge is home to the remains of some of the earliest known human beings. Some other archaeological findings within the crater include ancient weapons, tools and the remains of hunted game.

The Olduvai Gorge is perfect for those craving true adventure tours, and is located on the road from the Ngorongoro Crater to the Serengeti National Park. The view along the way is certainly spectacular – passing through serene plains, wild grasslands and volcanic hills before coming upon the Olduvai Gorge itself. Lucky travellers upon the road might even chance upon a tribe of red-robed Maasai putting their cattle out to pasture.

Serengeti National Park


The awe-inspiring Serengeti National Park is comprised of approximately fourteen percent of the country’s total land, making it the undisputed crown jewel of Tanzania. Very few countries can come close to Tanzania’s unwavering commitment to the preservation of its land, indigenous animal species and cultural heritage. In fact, the Serengeti National Park is easily the best-know sanctuary in the world.

The Serengeti National Park is a must-see for anyone planning an African safari holiday. Visitors would be hard-pressed to find a more perfect opportunity for wildlife viewing, as more than five hundred thousand Thomson’s gazelle, two hundred fifty thousand zebra and more than two million wildebeest wander the park’s expansive plains. Some lucky guests – or those who time their visits just so – can enjoy a truly exciting event – the Serengeti National Park’s annual migration!

The Manyara Park


Earnest Hemingway once described the Lake Manyara area as “the loveliest I had seen in Africa”. As one of Tanzania’s smallest national parks, The Manyara Park was not officially deemed a national park until the 1960s. The park is approximately three hundred thirty square kilometres, and is largely made up of waterlands – nearly two hundred thirty square kilometres are lakes which lie at the bast of the Rift Valley escarpment.

The Manyara Park is a wonderful place to enjoy an authentic African safari holiday, especially for those who enjoy watching primates in their natural habitat. In fact, the park features the world’s greatest concentration of baboons in one place. Many visitors greatly appreciate the opportunity to view these large primate families in their daily interactions.  Several other species of wildlife also call the Lake Manyara National Park home, including the diminutive Kir’s dik-dik, klipspringers, banded mongoose, buffalo, wildebeest, zebra, giraffes and more!

The Ngorongoro Crater


Although dominated by the awe-inspiring beauty of the crater itself, the Ngorongoro Crater area is heavily populated by many exotic wildlife species. The floor of the crater itself is rife with countless animals and birds. This is especially true around Lake Magadi on the crater floor, which is famous for it’s the wild flamingos that flock there. Predator and prey alike live together in the valley of the crater. It is truly the perfect spot for a memorable African safari holiday – with unparalleled views and exotic animals in their ideal element.

Visitors may enjoy the spectacular view from the crater’s rim – especially the famed Fever Tree Forest, which is heavily inhabited by wild elephant herds, leopard and buffalo. Guests who crave adventure tours can even tour the Fever Tree Forest with an armed guard to find hidden treasures, like smaller craters, swiftly running mountain rivers and raging waterfalls.

The Okavango Delta


Aptly known as the ‘Jewel of the Kalahari’, the Okavango Delta is one of the most pristine, untouched wildlands left on the planet. The Okavango Delta stretches from Botswana’s Kalahri Sands to the Caprivi Strip in Namibia. Of particular interest is the northern Okavango Delta, where the permanent waters are maintained by an inclined tectonic plate.

The Okavango Delta is home to a truly rare and unique variety of ecosystems. Countless animal, fish and bird species call this area home, as well as a rich and fascinating variety of plant life. The Okavango Delta is a must-see destination for anyone taking an African safari holiday. It truly is an idyllic natural locale – dotted with tiny islands, decorated by tropical palms and shimmering white sands.

The Zambezi River Sunset Cruise


Few things are as beautiful as an African sunset, or as relaxing as a leisurely river cruise – and on the Zambezi River Sunset Cruise, you get the best of both! It is a wonderful trip for both relaxation, and African safari wildlife viewing. Hippos and crocodiles may be seen in or around the Zambezi River as you travel, as myriad species of birds fly overhead.

Travellers may also spot exotic wildlife along the banks of the Zambezi, including herds of elephants, so a pair of binoculars and a camera are both recommended for this unusual adventure tour! The Zambezi River Sunset Cruise is an extremely popular activity, giving great photo opportunities and even great memories!

Victoria Falls


As the largest waterfall in the world, the majestic Victoria Falls should be on the itinerary of every traveller to Africa! Located on the the shared border of Zimbabwe and Zambia in southern Africa, Victoria Falls is accessible via Livingstone in Zambia, or Victoria Falls city in Zimbabwe. The powerful Zambezi River is the source of the fall’s impressive water flow. The spray from the Falls forms a light and refreshing mist that that falls constantly in the area, earning it the local name Mosi-oa-Tunya, or ‘smoke that thunders’.

That area immediately surrounding the falls is subtropical due to the constant “rain”, and is also rife with local wildlife populations. Many of these – especially the monkeys – are quite used to human visitors, making for wonderful wildlife viewing for those on African holiday.

Xigera Mokoro Trails

The Xigera Mokoro Trails are the most natural and unassuming way to enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the Oktavango Delta, while still enjoying the assistance of a guide and comfortable accommodations. Visitors glide across the region’s serene waters in a traditional dugout canoe into the pristine heart of the Okavango, where a comfortable camp awaits.

The Xigera Mokoro adventure tours include winding your way through the area’s lush channels before returning to your private tent. Private guest tens include swags for sleeping, dugout loos and warm water for traditional bucket showers. At the end of your first day on the Xigera Mokoro Trails, guests can sit around the campfire chatting with new friends while enjoying a glass of fine local wine. Your second and final day on the trail will be spent hiking the Okavango’s small islands and enjoying exclusive views of the wildlife in this beautiful region.